your beauty aestheician Svitlana

  • facials and peels

    Facials and peels improve cell regeneration, promote collagen production and help nourish the skin.

    All of our Facials and Peels are custom tailored specifically to unique features of your skin.

  • laser cosmetology

    A cosmetic procedure performed using special equipment, Hardware Cosmetology helps address a variety of skin concerns such as signs of aging, loss of elasticity, pigmentation, acne, textural abnormalities and more.

  • ipl hair removal

    Virtually painless, IPL Hair Removal helps get rid of unwanted hair anywhere on your body.

    Unlike other lasers, this unique technology effectively works on all skin tones.

  • Sugaring and waxing certification courses

    Become a certified Sugaring and Waxing Esthetician. Learn everything from fudmentals to advanced techniques. Gain hands on experieoc ad learn from industry professional.

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